- MIKROLOT : Moka coffee is a seasonal coffee sold in microlots from Camocim Farm. It is the result of a blend of all the farm's coffees: Iapar 59; Catuaí 44; Caturra Red, Catucaí; Catucaí-Açu, Yellow Bourbon, Caturra Yellow. A slightly fruity and naturally sweetened coffee.
- SPECIAL MOMENTS : Made for people who like to meet and welcome friends, and who prepare by making a shopping list with special products for it. Moka coffee wants to be present at these moments, to be one of the items on the list and to become the talk of the table.
- ROAST GRADE : Pure Arabica Pearl Beans , fresh & hand Roasted. The medium roast profile was developed in collaboration with the Berlin Kaffeeröstere, folowing the third wave coffee paramethers and approved by Mr Henrique Sloper, owner from the Camocim farm. Perfect for making in your espresso machine.
- BIODYNAMICS: Coffees are produced in a agroforestry system that heals the planet through conscious agriculture. It is sustainable farming that maximises conservation by fusing ancient wisdom with modern methods. It offers holistic stewardship that integrates plants, animals, water, air and soil into a self-regulating ecosystem; and it produces clean food made with absolutely no GMO`s, artificial fertilisers or chemical sprays.
Organic / Biodynamic Peaberry Whole Beans Espresso , Medium Roast - 455 g
Excluding Sales Tax
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